Happy gobble, gobble day!!! I started the day off the best way I could possibly think of. I paced the 1:45 group for the Thankful 13 Half Marathon. The temperature was perfect, it was a bit windy but at least it wasn't raining or, heaven help me, snowing. The race started at 8 which meant that I got to sleep in, woo hoo! Nine plus hours of sleep does a body good...REALLY good!
Let's back up a little to yesterdee shall we?!? I did EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that I was ready to keep my assigned pace. Usually an 8 minute pace is easy for me but after Saturday's practice run I was a little nervous. I foam rolled, did the P90X stretch DVD, drank my Nuun, had a carbilicious meal, ate not 1 but 2 chocolate cake donuts :) and slathered my legs in Deep Blue. Deep Blue is from doTerra and my neighbor just happened to have some. I begged and pleaded with her to let me use some, just kidding she is the nicest gal in town and was happy to pass it along. I also slept in my Pro Compression stockings.
Holly and Jorge picked me up at 6:45 and we headed to the race. We sat in the cozy car and watched a man fighting with his head dress, it was awesome! There were a few people who were dressed up which was fun to see. We got all lined up and we were off. I wanted to try to bank a little time seems how I had ran the course and knew that the last couple miles were going to be a little tough.
At about mile 3 some guy caught up to me and said "You're going a little fast for 1:45 aren't you?" People can be pretty rude to pacers. I wasn't that far ahead maybe one minute, relax dude!! I decided to slow down a little, your welcome crabby patty, which made me nervous, I like to bank a little time so I can walk through aid stations. Refueling while running can be somewhat difficult and I like to make sure that I give my followers a chance to grab a drink and such.
I had a number of different people who were trying to stick with me but this course was a little harder than I think people were expecting. Did I mention that it was WINDY? Wind can really put a damper on things. At one point when there was a really strong headwind I tried to draft off a couple of fellers. Apparently the wind was slowing them down too though so I had to try to pass them...they wouldn't have it. They saw my sign and got in front of me again. I wanted to chat it up with them but I could tell that they weren't the chatty Kathy types. They were obviously friends and they both had earphones. There was no talking going on between them and I didn't want to bug them. We ran alongside each other for a while and then a little downhill came so I zipped past them. That was my one chance to try to bank a little time for the hill that I knew was coming.
Not only did the hill come but a really ugly headwind...RUDE!!! My Fuelbelt had been driving me crazy the entire time and I had dropped my gloves twice already so at around mile 11 or 12 I threw them both to the side of the road. I needed all the help I could get, I was going to be cutting it close and I knew it.
Thankfully the last mile was slightly downhill so I was able to make up a little time that I had lost chatting with a guy at around mile 9. I don't know my exact time but I think I got pretty dang close to 1:45, maybe a few seconds off. Unfortunately none of my followers made it in with me, that blasted wind was brutal.
This race was amazing. I ran with my Fuelbelt because I was nervous about there being enough volunteers along the course. I have heard stories about races running out of water or not having enough aid stations along the course (I have not experienced this myself though). I figured with it being Thanksgiving and all that I had better carry my own fuel just in case. There were plenty of volunteers and they were amazing!!! I am so grateful for all the volunteers!!!
The finish line had pumpkin pie, hot chocolate and cake. Too bad for me I didn't feel like eating anything. I grabbed a couple cups of water and called it good. This race was so well organized, it went off without a hitch. I'm so glad that there is finally a half marathon on Thanksgiving Day. Sorry but a 5K just won't cut it on a day of feasting ;) The course was beautiful and did I mention that the volunteers ROCKED?!? Yes, they were awesome! On this day of thanks giving I am very thankful that I was able to run this race. LOVED IT!
Now it's time to head over to Mama Jex's house for a delicious feast. I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
And for your enjoyment, check out my post from last Thanksgiving, just in case you are bored and need a chuckle :) Your welcome!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Pro Compression=2 Big Toes Up!!
Yesterday I was so pleased to open my mailbox to see that I had received a very special surprise! I ripped it open straight away and pulled out the most beautiful compression socks I have ever seen!
Buddy sums up exactly how I feel about these wonderful stockings :)
It's not too early for Christmas movies/music is it?!? I was feeling a little crazy and turned on Pandora Christmas Radio, usually I wait until Thanksgiving but I just couldn't help myself. Kenna said, "Could you please turn this off? It's annoying!" To which I said, "You know what? You're annoying!" Don't worry I was completely joking. Funnily enough my kids get my sense of humor waaaaay better than Jake does...and we've been together how long???
Anyways, back to these wonderful Pro Compression socks!
They sent me the marathon pink argyle and also the marathon white compression socks. The pink argyle are possibly the cutest socks EVER known to man! Not only are they ridiculously cute but they feel AMAZING! I wore them all afternoon and slept in them until I got too hot and had to rip them off asap. It could have been my fleece jammies causing all the trouble but I figured I should leave those on.
I woke up at 5:30 am to get ready for a running adventure with Holly and Jorge. We decided that we should run the Thankful13 Half Marathon course to see what we would be up against this Thanksgiving Day morn! More on that later!
I was looking forward to trying out my fancy stockings on a run. Unfortunately it's cold here in Utah so I couldn't show them off, don't worry though I showered/changed and made McKenna take my picture.
I have worn other compression socks and sleeves but these are by far my FAV.O.RITE! In my other compression socks my toes are squished together which drives me crazy. Pro Compression socks are tight, as they should be, but they have room in the toe so that I don't feel claustrophobic. The material is super soft and feels so good.
In my other compression socks I like the feel around my legs but the sock part is nothing to call home about. These, however, are WONDERFUL!
The sock part reminds me a little of the Asics Low Cut Hera, which are one of my favorite running socks. They feel like an all day hug...for your foot! Pro Compression also sells a low cut sock which I'm sure is equally as wonderful for those hot days when you don't want a full on compression sock.
I would have to give these socks 2 big toes up :) They are awesome, if I could live in them I would!!! Pro Compression is a California company and all their socks are MADE IN THE U.S.A. (I don't know about you but that makes me sleep better at night ;) If you've been looking for a great compression sock look no further, they have sales quite often which make them extremely affordable too!
Holly was having sock envy this morning on our grand adventure. I printed up the turn by turn course directions last night and was a little nervous to see that there were 19 turns. I somehow managed to pawn off the directions to Jorge...ha ha ha ha!! He navigated us quite nicely but the directions got a bit confusing, it didn't help that none of us were familiar with the area either. We managed to go and get ourselves lost but somehow made it back on track and finished in 13 miles. I was certain that we were going to end up running many more miles than we had set out to do but lucky for us we figured out we were lost pretty dang quick.
The course was beautiful and the weather was absolutely PERFECT! When we left home and the whole drive to Lehi it was raining. Luckily for us, Holly was praying her little heart out for the rain to stop and it did! Holly has powerful prayers ;) This course is much more challenging than most Utah races. It is a fairly flat course with a few little hills here and there. Most Utah races send you flying down a canyon, not this one! We need to work a little harder on Thanksgiving anyway right?!?
Do you wear compression and if so what brand?
Are you running a race this Thanksgiving Day?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Running On Empty=CRAP!!
I read an article a few months ago in Runner's World magazine called "Running On Empty." I didn't like the sound of it nor did I like the idea of it. I am a true believer that one must fuel their body if they expect it to perform. Well, today I was pretty much running on empty and not on purpose.
Holly and I decided to sleep in and go to the gym once we got our kidlets off to the old school house. I woke up and was quite a hungry so I had my breakfast. An hour and a half later as I was heading out the door I thought to myself "maybe I should grab a banana or something small to get me through my workout." Nah, after all it had only been an hour and half.
We got to the gym and did a killer chest, triceps, back and biceps workout which took us about an hour and a half. Then we headed outside for a lovely Fall run. I was sooooo looking forward to today's run because we weren't going to freeze to death, like in the early morning hours, and because it is supposed to SNOW here tomorrow. I have come a long way as far as running in the cold but running in the snow still scares me a little. After all, I'm quite klutzy as of late!!!
We decided we would hit less traffic if we started UP HILL. It is a very long hill and quite steep. I thought perhaps I might die. Finally after 1.5 miles of running straight uphill we hit a downhill...YAY!! I was feeling okay and just enjoying the weather. It was super windy which didn't bother me at first because 1. it was pushing us and 2. it was blowing the leaves off the trees which looked awesome. It was raining leaves and I loved it.
I was starting to feel a bit sluggish at about mile 4 where we hit Mama Jex's work. We stopped to chat, get a drink and use the facilities ;) They have closed up all of the bathrooms around town for the winter months which means we have to plan ahead a bit for our pit stops.
Did I mention that it was quite hot outside? It was 70 degrees which really is perfect but we have become accustomed to running in sub 40 degree weather so it felt pretty hot. We hit "Butthole Hill" as it has come to be known and I thought I might die...again!
We had a flat stretch, thank the heavens, before another big hill. We both decided to walk the stupid hill and it still felt hard, WTHeck ;) Once we hit the top of the hill we had a nice downhill, the only problem was that by this point the wind had really picked up and was pushing against us. I never knew that running downhill could be so blasted hard. I was starving and so thirsty by this point, about mile 6. I ran with my "sippy cup" but had sucked it all down. I kept thinking about the article I had read, I knew I didn't like it for a reason!
I kept reminding myself that I was grateful to be running outside and that it was the perfect day for a lovely 9 mile run! After another hill we finally hit the best part of our route which is down the first hill that we ran up. Again, the wind made it hard to go very fast. I was trying to talk positively to myself, we were almost there. Holly said, "We can do anything for 10 minutes right?" Of course we could. We kept chugging along and I was starting to feel really weird.
We FINALLY got to the gym, 9 miles done and done! I truly loved every miserable second of this run. That sounds a bit strange but I really did love it.
When we got in the car I realized that it had been 5 hours since my last "feeding!" Hello, I usually eat every 3-4 hours and that's when I'm not killing myself at the gym and running all over the town.
I got home and sucked down my delicious smoothie...perhaps a little to fast! I was fighting not throwing it up and felt HORRIBLE! I was very weak and shaky, it took everything I had just to stand in the shower for a few minutes.
After a few hours I finally feel better but holy crap I will NEVER do that again. I'm sure I sound like a crazy person but 5 hours without food is a long time for me. I also know that a lot of people wake up and workout on an empty stomach but that is NOT for me. I know that if I want my body to do all that I ask of it that I had better fuel it.
I want to know what you think about running on empty Do you do it or have you ever tried it?
Holly and I decided to sleep in and go to the gym once we got our kidlets off to the old school house. I woke up and was quite a hungry so I had my breakfast. An hour and a half later as I was heading out the door I thought to myself "maybe I should grab a banana or something small to get me through my workout." Nah, after all it had only been an hour and half.
We got to the gym and did a killer chest, triceps, back and biceps workout which took us about an hour and a half. Then we headed outside for a lovely Fall run. I was sooooo looking forward to today's run because we weren't going to freeze to death, like in the early morning hours, and because it is supposed to SNOW here tomorrow. I have come a long way as far as running in the cold but running in the snow still scares me a little. After all, I'm quite klutzy as of late!!!
We decided we would hit less traffic if we started UP HILL. It is a very long hill and quite steep. I thought perhaps I might die. Finally after 1.5 miles of running straight uphill we hit a downhill...YAY!! I was feeling okay and just enjoying the weather. It was super windy which didn't bother me at first because 1. it was pushing us and 2. it was blowing the leaves off the trees which looked awesome. It was raining leaves and I loved it.
I was starting to feel a bit sluggish at about mile 4 where we hit Mama Jex's work. We stopped to chat, get a drink and use the facilities ;) They have closed up all of the bathrooms around town for the winter months which means we have to plan ahead a bit for our pit stops.
Did I mention that it was quite hot outside? It was 70 degrees which really is perfect but we have become accustomed to running in sub 40 degree weather so it felt pretty hot. We hit "Butthole Hill" as it has come to be known and I thought I might die...again!
We had a flat stretch, thank the heavens, before another big hill. We both decided to walk the stupid hill and it still felt hard, WTHeck ;) Once we hit the top of the hill we had a nice downhill, the only problem was that by this point the wind had really picked up and was pushing against us. I never knew that running downhill could be so blasted hard. I was starving and so thirsty by this point, about mile 6. I ran with my "sippy cup" but had sucked it all down. I kept thinking about the article I had read, I knew I didn't like it for a reason!
I kept reminding myself that I was grateful to be running outside and that it was the perfect day for a lovely 9 mile run! After another hill we finally hit the best part of our route which is down the first hill that we ran up. Again, the wind made it hard to go very fast. I was trying to talk positively to myself, we were almost there. Holly said, "We can do anything for 10 minutes right?" Of course we could. We kept chugging along and I was starting to feel really weird.
We FINALLY got to the gym, 9 miles done and done! I truly loved every miserable second of this run. That sounds a bit strange but I really did love it.
When we got in the car I realized that it had been 5 hours since my last "feeding!" Hello, I usually eat every 3-4 hours and that's when I'm not killing myself at the gym and running all over the town.
I got home and sucked down my delicious smoothie...perhaps a little to fast! I was fighting not throwing it up and felt HORRIBLE! I was very weak and shaky, it took everything I had just to stand in the shower for a few minutes.
After a few hours I finally feel better but holy crap I will NEVER do that again. I'm sure I sound like a crazy person but 5 hours without food is a long time for me. I also know that a lot of people wake up and workout on an empty stomach but that is NOT for me. I know that if I want my body to do all that I ask of it that I had better fuel it.
I want to know what you think about running on empty Do you do it or have you ever tried it?
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Febreze Addicted Robot!!!
So we have, what, 16 days until Thanksgiving? I don't know about you but I have always loved doing a long run on Thanksgiving Day morning. If I know ahead of time that I'm going to be eating myself into a coma I try to burn some extra calories that day. Anyways, I am pacing the Thankful 13 Half Marathon, I can't wait! I will be pacing the 1:45 group and would love lots of followers, so why not sign up and come run with me :)
Plus I am participating in Pile on the Miles so what better way to get some miles in?!?
After last year's Thanksgiving Day Massacre I decided that there will be NO treadmill running for me on this day of giving thanks. I have always wondered why there are a million 5K's on Thanksgiving but no longer distance races. Sorry but if I'm going to eat myself sick I want to run many, many miles...bring on the stuffing!!
Plus I am participating in Pile on the Miles so what better way to get some miles in?!?
Now onto other news...I am addicted to Febreze! Weird, I know. I am LOVING their fall scents. I have the limited edition pumpkin harvest and apple spice & delight and DELIGHT it is :) I drive my family crazy as I skip around the house spraying my Febreze...okay maybe I don't skip but I guess you'll never know!!
Apparently, I'm also a robot! The other day I was trying to comment on a blog and it was encrypted, or whatever that's called. Anyways, I typed at least 15 different words and every time it was wrong. I finally decided to listen to the letters. Holy crap, that was just down right scary! It sounded like my computer was possessed! Don't EVER listen to the "word!"
Lastly, I have finally signed up on the Twitter! Truth be told I don't get it. Why tweet? I haven't done much of anything on it. When Facebook first came out they joked about people posting things like: "I'm going to Costco!" or whatever mundane thing they were doing right that very minute. To me Twitter is MUCH worse than Facebook. "I just ate spinach!" Well, whoopity doo da...am I supposed to care?!? Sorry if you are a fan of Twitter and I really want to like it I just don't think I get it. I don't get the #eatspinach or #whatever. If someone can please give me a lesson on #Twitter #I #would #greatly #appreciate #it. It must be better than what I have made it out to be, please help! Find me on Twitter: Stephanie Anderson @runlilmamarun

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