Friday, August 12, 2011

Big Mac ATTACK???

Seems how it's been a while I figured it was high time to do a post.  My workout today was an hour of core work, followed by spinning it up on the spin bike for about 30 minutes, followed by running 4 miles.  Nothing too exciting but I have an 18 miler planned for tomorrow, we shall see how that goes.  Last week I did a 20 mile run that was HORRIBLE!!  I don't know what the problem was, it may have been that I attempted it on a Friday which is usually my worst day of the week, energy wise that is.  Whatever the problem was I hope I never have to experience a run like that again.  I kept thinking that it was a good thing is wasn't race day or I would have quit the race.  It was that bad!!

I have to say that I am pretty good at training my kids.  For the past few weeks I have come home to this:
Okay, maybe she doesn't serve it to me while in a semi-lunge position but you get the picture

I guess she was sick of almost being late for gymnastics so she has taken it upon herself to make me my smoothies every morning :)  I must be good at training my friends too, because Holly showed up at my work the other day with a smoothie.  She is so nice.  She knows that I am too lazy to make myself a sandwich or pack myself a proper lunch and I guess she didn't want me to starve.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of her in a lunge serving me my smoothie.

I hope I am not the only one in blogland that has REALLY bad nutrition weeks!  I may or may not have had a BIG MAC ATTACK this week :/  I may or may not have gone to the Brick Oven and had myself some delicious pizza and garlic bread.  And I am certain that I didn't buy a Dr. Pepper to go with my Hill's Bakery chocolate cake donut.  I can't believe that I am admitting to all of this, I blame it on hormones and promise to make good choices from here on out.  Normally, I wouldn't tell people of such things but I have noticed that people are always SHOCKED to find out that I don't make the best choices all of the time.  I want people to know that just because I love to workout and eat healthy, sometimes I crave terrible food just like everybody else.  I actually really hate the way I feel when I eat like this but for some reason I just keep shoveling garbage into my cake hole.  It is what it is I guess.

Do you ever have terrible food weeks?

Please tell me I'm not the only one!

Do you like Big Mac's?

I must admit that I love them, luckily I don't partake too often :)

1 comment:

  1. You are not the only one! I ate a 1.5 quart thing of ice cream in 2 days by myself :) It was good though :) I think it is totally healthy to give into cravings every once in a while! Good luck with you long run tomorrow!!
