Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Countdown to AWESOMENESS!

T minus 3 days until the big rodeo, or race, depending on where you pin your bib ;D  The day Kobe did his first 10K he decided that he was ready to do a half marathon.  Kaden decided that a half sounded like a good idea and decided to do it with Kobe. 
This pic was at the Freedom Run 10K..LOVE!
I informed them that one does not just wake up and run a half marathon and that they would have to train.  They still wanted to, I thought perhaps they were a little crazy and that after a couple of runs they would change their minds. 
I came up with a training plan and we got right to it.  We (Holly and I) eased them into it with a run/walk.  I’ll be truthful and say that the first few weeks were rough…really rough.  I tried to talk Kobe out of continuing on multiple occasions but by golly that boy is stubborn (don’t know where he get it, yes I do…from his DADDY ;)  The Saturday of our first 5 miler I actually told Kobe that I was giving him one more week and if things didn't get better that we had to be done.  Patience is a virtue my friend!  I had many days of being extremely inpatient and had to keep telling myself that the mere fact that they were out there trying was awesome in and of itself.  How many 10 year olds do you know that are willing to train for and complete a half marathon??

Get ready for a picture overload my friends...
This lovely picture was taken after one of our first runs.  Kobe sprinted around the church, leaving me in his dust, and then collapsed on the grass.  Death by running! 
One day we were running along and I saw a toy horse on the side of the road.  I found it funny for some reason, then I looked back to see Kobe picking it up.  Kobe finished the run carrying the ding dang thing.  The horse became our mascot.  (Did you notice it in the picture...don't confuse the horse with Koda ;)

Most of our runs ended with Koda and McKenna waiting for us in the front yard.  I so wish Kenna could have joined in on the fun but that darn gymnastics has done a number on her knees.  #gymnastsarepeopletoo McKenna's pediatrician told me when she was about 5 that her hips are aligned as such that she would be a FAST runner.  She did run the mile the fastest last year and was asked multiple times to join cross country.  One day I am sure she will take the running world by that a saying?!?  Either way, I'm sure she will. 
SELFIE SATURDAY!!  We were photo bombed by a biker. 
When Kobe is done running he is DONE and sits down wherever he may be.  It's actually quite funny. 
Lou is showing you how AWESOME Kobe's first 7 miler was.  That boy was on FIIIIIIRE!!  He kept telling me he was on fire and he was.  His last mile was his fastest and he wanted to keep going.  I wish all runs could be like that.
I told the boys to do the Monica pose, I guess they did it ;) 
Me and Koko Monicaning (yes, that’s a word) it up.  Don't worry it's not weird that I do the Monica pose like we are BFF's even though we have never met, it's normal. 
Selfie Saturday again, why is Kobe’s mouth always open?!? 
My favorite picture ever, I will cherish the time we have spent training for this race and I CAN NOT wait until Saturday!! 
Last Saturday we took the boys up Provo Canyon to enjoy the beautiful fall leaves.  Our canyon has been closed so we hadn't fully enjoyed the fall colors.  Kenna wondered what took us so long to run 8 miles but I guess when you throw a photo shoot in there it takes a long time.  
Nice bum where ya from?
Another favorite running picture, probably because you can’t see my ugly mug ;)

Throughout our training we often ran to Mama's house, I don't think I've ever seen her as much as in these past couple months.  We all looked forward to our visits.

As in any training cycle we had good runs and horrible runs but I wouldn't change any of it for anything in the world.

We are doing the Haunted Half which is sure to be a partay!  I can't wait to see how the boys do and I can't wait to see McKenna and Jake at the finish line handing out medals.

I'm actually a bit sad, okay I'm SUPER sad,  for this to be coming to an end.  Luckily, Kobe told me the other day that he wants to continue training and do the Thankful 13 as well.  So let's keep our fingers crossed that he loves it and will continue on.

That's all!